All Lutheran Church of Brussels
A congregation of the Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk in België
Nice to meet you here!
The All Lutheran Church of Brussels (ALCB) is a confessional, English-speaking and very family-like church and belongs to the Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk in België (ELKB). We are a registered, legal church body in Belgium and part of the Belgian Council of Churches to the State of Belgium (ARPEE) and a
member of the world-wide confessional Lutheran family, represented by the International Lutheran Council (ILC), with partner churches all around the globe. An interesting community!
In Brussels we are small in numbers but hail from many different countries. So we are very "colourful", with many different backgrounds and traditions. Our services are in English and we usually follow a more or less "traditional liturgy".
Come and visit us in our service! We look forward to meeting you in person!
Currently, we have only two services per month. Usually every 2nd and 4th Sunday per month for the time being.
2nd February 2025 -
16:30 Divine Service in Woluwe
Transfiguration (Last Sunday after Epiphany) and
The Presentation of the Lord (Candelmas)
(Jesus Christ - God with us under the law to redeem us)
9th February 2025 -
no service
4th Sunday before Lent
(Jesus Christ - Lord of all Creation)
16th February 2025 -
16:30 Divine Service in Woluwe
(Jesus Christ - Bringer of a new justice)
23rd February 2025 -
no service
(Listen to God's Word!)
We don't own a church building. So we celebrate our worship services usually in the rented German Protestant "Emmaus-Church" at 16:30 on every 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month. There is a big parking lot behind the building. The address is Avenue Salomé 7, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre in the south-east of Brussels. Click on the picture of the church for Google Maps!
Pay attention: Cars with "diesel 4" (or less) are no longer allowed to enter the Capital Region of Brussels! And cars without a Belgian plate need to be registered (without costs) beforehand in any case (Low Emission Zone)! Surf to
Sometimes we need to give way and then we celebrate our service in another church. If you are not sure to find us or if you need help, don't hesitate to contact the pastor! (Please delete the SPAM protection in your address bar of your email program! ;-) )